
A chaperone is an independent and appropriately trained person, whose role is to independently observe an examination or procedure undertaken by a clinician.

The presence of a chaperone ensures that a patient’s dignity is preserved and also adds a layer of protection for the clinician.

Chaperones are mainly used for intimate examinations. An intimate examination is anything a patient considers to be embarrassing or intimate.

You can request a chaperone either when booking your appointment or arrival at the surgery for your appointment, or through the clinician at the beginning of the consultation.

We respectfully request that you make your requirement for a chaperone known as soon as possible, to allow us to make the necessary arrangements.

If the clinician believes the consultation will require a chaperone and you have not requested one, they will offer you a chaperone.

The surgery have both male and female trained chaperones available.

The chaperone should stand in a position to properly observe the procedure so that they are able to act as an independent witness as to how the examination or procedure was carried out.

Family members or friends can act as informal chaperones but there may be occasions where a formal chaperone is required.

A copy of the practice’s Chaperone Policy is available on request.